Sabina Haque

1. Haque, S. J., Satriano, M., Sorea, M. & Yu, P. Y. The Disguised Toric Locus and Affine Equivalence of Reaction Networks. SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 22, 1423–1444 (2023).

2. Chavez, A., Tuttle M, Pruitt B. W., Ewen-Campen B., Chari R., Ter-Ovanesyan D., Haque S. J. et al. Comparison of Cas9 activators in multiple species. Nat. Methods 13, 563–567 (2016).

For a complete list of my publications, including select conference presentations and preprints, please refer to my Google Scholar page.

last updated: April 2023